Feature Requests, Bugs, and More

Share your feedback here! Including feature request ideas, bugs, and more.

  1. Welcome ๐Ÿ‘‹! Please read before submitting!

    CellarTracker is built on its community. We value your feedback tremendously and are thrilled to have a new space for you to share your ideas with us, vote on what's most important, receive updates from the CellarTracker team, and help us shape the future of our product! Submission Guidelines Start by searching for your feedback. Your idea may already exist and it's easier to add your voice to an existing idea, rather than create a duplicate that gets lost. When you're ready to submit feedback, help us make it actionable by following these requirements: Make sure your title is clear and specific Write a concise rationale explaining why the feature is needed and how you would use it Add images and links to help explain your feedback Assign any relevant topics Our team is committed to bringing our community's voice into product development. We hope this tool helps you feel like a valued contributor to improving CellarTracker as a product and keeps you informed on our plans. Thank you for joining us on this journey ๐Ÿ™!

    Davis Whitehead
    #Welcome ๐Ÿ‘‹


  2. Missing search selection when entering purchase notes

    The old ios app gave you a selection of common entries into purchase notes when adding wine. This allowed for consistent notes across multiple purchases such as โ€œcurated selectionโ€ after just typing a few characters. The new app does not offer the convenient search selection. This feature made the add wine workflow much faster in the old app.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ#iOS ๐ŸŽ


  3. Bug: price in Europe must be entered with .

    the price is perfectly shown with a comma. For instance 9,50 euro's. But to enter a purchased bottle I must enter 9.50. Even though the app knows I am from Holland.

    #Bug Report ๐Ÿ›#Android ๐Ÿค–


  4. Optimize the app for tablet (iPad, Android Pixel Tablet, etc)

    From Tony Will there be an iPad version? Right now it work but doesnโ€™t take advantage of the full iPad screen

    Davis Whitehead
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  5. Wishlist on mobile

    I want to be able to see and manage my wishlist within the cellartracker mobile app

    Davis Whitehead
    #Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ


  6. Feature suggestion: Offline mode in mobile app

    Feature suggestion: How about adding an Offline mode in the mobile app? Currently, you simply cannot load the app if there is no data connection where you are. I understand there is no way of supporting full functionality of the app for all the stuff that requires direct/real-time access to the database but I would find it very useful if you could use the label search function say to capture label images / add some tasting or other notes while in a location without cell service (the obvious example being in an underground cellar at home or at a producer but also on a plane or wherever there might not be cell coverage (which still happens quite a bit at wineries in Europe at least!) The data could then be uploaded at a later time when a data connection is available again, for matching of the captured labels to the database for instance.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ#Android ๐Ÿค–


  7. Quicker loading time

    Loads way too slow now. Compared old and new to check. Just too slow.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#iOS ๐ŸŽ


  8. Make My Reviews searchable

    My Reviews donโ€™t seem to be searchable in the new mobile app, though they were in the old app. This makes it practically impossible to search for my views on a particular wine/region/vintage, which is exactly the kind of information Iโ€™d like to have accessible when mobile (at a restaurant/shop/cellar door). Having My Reviews searchable or filterable (like my cellar) would be a useful feature.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ#iOS ๐ŸŽ


  9. "You consumed 1 bottle" toast covers up X button

    When consuming a bottle, the "You consumed 1 bottle from your cellar." toast covers up the X button for closing out of the wine view. As a result, you have to tap multiple X buttons to return to the previous screen. Suggest moving the toast such that it doesn't interfere with the underlying X button.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ#iOS ๐ŸŽ


  10. Dark mode please

    This is not a functionality idea, but something that is very important to me as a user.

    #Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ#Styling ๐ŸŽจ


  11. Visualize the optimal drinking window per wine

    From Chris: Enhanced Drinking Window Info: Would be amazing to show graphically for each wine the bell curve of the optimal drinking winding assuming proper storage. It could update dynamically based on both critic and user ratings.

    Davis Whitehead
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  12. Let me rate wines/write comments WITHOUT MAKING THEM PUBLIC

    Cellar Tracker is built to help me track my cellar. PLEASE give me a way to record my own thoughts on a bottle that I just drank โ€” rating and comments โ€” WITHOUT making this public for every other cellar tracker user to see. Itโ€™s PRIVATE if I want to remind myself that my wife thought this wine was a little too sweet or that I drank it at my cousinโ€™s birthday partyโ€ฆ but that information will definitely be relevant next month when Iโ€™m trying to decide whether to open the next bottle of it or something else. And itโ€™s frankly nobody elseโ€™s business that I liked Wine A but not Wine B. Itโ€™s fine if some CT users want to exhibit their reviews like social media โ€œinfluencersโ€, but it feels really really sketchy to make that mandatory.

    #Deal Breaker ๐Ÿ’”


  13. Drinkability scores and "drink between" windows are wrong for NV wines

    There are lots of wines that do not have a vintage year but do have a finite drinking window. (Most Champagnes and sakes, for example!) Currently, these wines have complete nonsense in the "drinkability score" and "drink by" window. For example I often see bottles whose "drink by" window ended before this bottle was actually bottled. It is incorrect to say that, e.g., ALL bottles of Veuve Clicquot NV have the same drink by window. A bottle that was bottled last year will improve a little and then last longer than an NV bottled 10years ago. Instead of showing wrong information (and, e.g., adding lots of noise/mess to my "drinkability report), CellarTracker should do one of the following: A) remove "drinkability score" and ready-to-drink windows from NV wines B) Add a concept of "NV but bottled on date X" (perhaps the purchase date if the true bottling date is unknown) and for NV wines calculate drinkability and drink-bys based on number of years since bottling date [preferred] Thanks!

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Bug Report ๐Ÿ›#iOS ๐ŸŽ


  14. Visualize My Cellar

    Visual option to show where my wine is in the cellar so I donโ€™t have to count bins or rows etc. could be simple grid or complex 3D with label images. Just some way to replicate the design of my physical cellar into digital app.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Premium ๐Ÿ’Ž


  15. Sort - multi-level, such as by Ready to Drink, then Variety, the vintage range or Region

    I searched already posted suggestions and didnโ€™t see this one. I primarily use the web version of CT due to its many options on the first screen on my phone and high functionality. My suggestion is to replicate the multi-level sorting functionality as I use it ad hoc but also to generate the 30 Saved Views I use. As an example, some of my Saved Views are RtDrink, then Color, then Location or MyBottles, Vintage (descending), then Producer (Qty Descโ€™g) or Purchases by Year Purchased (Desc), Quarter (desc), then Month (desc).

    #Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ#Desktop ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ#Deal Breaker ๐Ÿ’”
